Comments JOURNAL
Poor man’s coffee station, living by the sun
Hacked together a poor man’s coffee station for the back of the SUV for those long days or mornings I want to hang out in the woods or a park. Free scrap wood from Lowe’s made it possible, yay for the free things in life!
This setup helps take away the sting of not camping and there’s nuttin’ like making coffee in the wild.
(And it saves me quite a bit of $ from buying so much coffee at cafes.)
Also figured a way to mount my 5 lb propane tank on the roof of the xTerra, both to make more room for inside but also for safety reasons. I didn’t realize propane tanks vent gas when too hot (temp-wise) as a safety feature. Wouldn’t be good to be in car when it vents off on a hot day.
The car looks kinda cool w/ the tank and other stuff mounted up there now, lol. Feels like I’m an overlander.
The time has fallen backwards, unfortunately—means dark falls around before 6pm, yuk. Going to try and stay at my “old” time so I can still enjoy more daylight hours.
Besides, there was a time (pun intended) where we all lived by the sun, not the clock. We’d just follow the natural rhythms of nature and her Earth…
Life was probably harder back then but I wouldn’t mind harking back to days of living on the land in harmony w/ nature.

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