WANDER 📺 SHORTS: The Point on Ramah Reservior @ New Mexico
Whew, I remember this as a tough one to capture on the phone camera because it was very windy that day and the normally serene waters were rowdy, rocking me around.
Still, I think I managed to capture the beauty of the area, especially the tall natural spire seen at the end called The Point (Google Earth view).
Here’s a photo I snapped of it under better light conditions to show the deep colors within.
I was camped over at El Morro National Monument. Not only was it free, it’s got beautiful views of El Morro - especially when the sun sets.
I’ve deliberately muted these videos so you can experience it as I do as a deaf person in the wild. I know some of you will miss hearing the surrounding audio but think of total silence as different auditory experience.
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