Along the Ray

Along the Ray

An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

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travelsphotoscampgrounds Scars of Bear Canyon The photo above shows remnants of the infamous Little Bear fire near Bonito Lake in Bear Canyon in New Mexico. The fire was back in 2012, this was Feb-27-2022 00:00:00 -0500 Along the Ray February 27, 2022

Scars of Bear Canyon


The photo above shows remnants of the infamous Little Bear fire near Bonito Lake in Bear Canyon in New Mexico. The fire was back in 2012, this was taken in 2017 as I passed through looking for a camping spot.

I had no idea this happened so it was astonishing to drive in and see utter devastation everywhere. The lake was filled with fallen & burnt trees and the closed (South Fork) campground mirrored apocalypse.

I later learned the fire destroyed over two hundred buildings over 44,000 acres of land. Scary and we seem to be seeing more of this these days.

The good news is the area has come back to life with new growth and the campground re-opened not too long ago. I hope to visit again soon.

#travels #photos #campgrounds

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An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

Along the Ray

Somewhere on a river...

North American continent usually

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