Pura vida Costa Rica
Now and then I visit mom (and sister!) at their home they built nearly thirty years ago on a farm in Costa Rica. I don’t go often but when I do it’s always delight for the senses.
Costa Rica has maintained its beauty despite creeping development and “American-ification” (my word for gentrification). In our area they’re dealing with developers (currently a few from Texas!) lying on their permits and illegally clearing primary rainforests which are protected and ruining water sources for villages.
Unfortunately illegal deforestation (and some corruption) remains an issue despite Costa Rica’s overall care and protection of its pristine environment.
A minor earthquake rumbled through while I was here — a vivid reminder of earth as a living, breathing body we happen to be living upon.
(Pura vida means Pure life — Costa Rica’s unofficial slogan)
Here’s a few photos.
Bird’s eye view from flying a puddle jumper over Costa Rica
A closer look at one of Costa Rica’s vast rainforests. Amazing, abundant beauty.
View of the famous Whale’s Tail @ Uvita’s Marino Ballena National Park. That’s an old (yummy) mango tree on the right.
Horses on the farm on the way down to the river
Swimming down at the Morete river (older photo, lost mine whoops)
Iguanas get big around here… Some are quite colorful too
Another view of the coast on the Pacific side of Costa Rica.
Isla Ballena off the beach at Marino Ballena. Perfect for quiet, serene sunsets
Next time I must remember to bring my zoom camera — there’s so many different colorful birds and wildlife (monkeys, sloths, snakes, etc.) to share.
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