Along the Ray

Along the Ray

An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

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blogging A couple new things Those of you watching this blog via the RSS feed or email dispatch probably know by now I’ve been up to no good what with you seeing old items Jul-16-2022 21:07:00 -0400 Along the Ray July 16, 2022

A couple new things

Those of you watching this blog via the RSS feed or email dispatch probably know by now I’ve been up to no good what with you seeing old items regurgitating in your face a few times.

A thousand apologies for that. I’m always tinkering around and thinking of new ways to do things - it’s something I very much enjoy. I will do my best in the future to not get so messy because I know it can get annoying when things get thrown in yer face over and over.

At any rate, lemme get to the source of the mess — new things for the blog!

Vault of Memories

Often when I’m writing (esp. about travels) various random memory tidbits would pop up in my head then fade away. The older I get the more precious these memory tidbits become because my feeble mind has a tendency to forget some of these things. Time also has a strange way of morphing one’s memory of an event into something a bit different than what actually transpired.

So this is my way of preserving them for rummaging through later:

When a memorable memory pops up, I’ll make a side note of it in Obsidian and drop it into a folder of memories (with subfolders broken down by year) on my computer.1

On the blog side of things Blot watches those memory folders so whenever a new memory note pops in, it sucks it in and displays it in the Vault.

Thanks to Blot’s cool {backlinks} template tag, a memory tidbit will automatically link back to whatever post I wrote that references it. For example, see Moon camping on the Shire and scroll down to where it says Related Memory” — it takes you to a memory connected to that post.

There’s not much in the Vault at the moment. The more I write, the more it will fill up. Am looking forward to watching it grow over time!

Unfragmenting Thoughts of the Day

When I write a Thoughts of the Day edition it’s usually a compilation of several thoughts in a row. On this blog’s front page” they show up nicely stitched together as if in a single post.

But on the RSS feed and email dispatch these thoughts come through as individual posts (because they are — see Welcome to my new digs! for the why behind it); it doesn’t look as coherent.

It kept nagging at me because I don’t want to clog your feed reader/email box with multiple fragments of thoughts.

I ended up hacking a way to stitch these thoughts together for the RSS feed and email dispatch so they come through as one post.”

We’ll find out if it works well the next time I pound out a Thoughts of the Day edition so stay tuned. Fingers crossed!

As always, thanks for reading and for your patience.

  1. Since I’m not on the computer much I always carry around a pocket notebook for quick jotting down of these memories and other things (ideas, to-dos, random thoughts, etc) for later inputting. I highly recommend this — it’s a great way of off-loading one’s mind.↩︎


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An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

Along the Ray

Somewhere on a river...

North American continent usually

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