8-27 Missing van campers, dancing with nature
Eureka campground, Kentucky
The weather changed from relentless sticky heat to relentless rain and chewy humidity. And yet I persist here because tomorrow is supposed to be dry and cool, giving time for everything to dry out before packing up for the road.
For some odd reason in just about all the van campers I’ve seen the owners stay holed up in their vans seemingly all day and night. I never see the occupants - if any indeed exist - and sometimes wonder if they’re alive inside.
Of course I am just one solitary observer but this happenstance persists across my travels.
To be fair, I can say the same for those on the other spectrum — those hulking big rig RVs that seemingly stretch half a city block. Those occupants are also seldom seen since they stay inside their palaces most of the time only to emerge to eat at local restaurants.
Really, they just bring their homes with them for a better view of nature.
My back feels much better now — walking and hiking always heals it up, aligning it back into place.
Gonna kayak out to a tiny island I see in the middle of the lake for even more solitude.
Islands have their own special vibe, especially tiny ones.
Tall trees swaying, leaves shivering, wind teasing…
It’s a beautiful dance that soothes my soul.
Breeze whistles into my hair and I know I’m part of nature’s dance — not just as a witness but also as a participant.
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