Along the Ray

Along the Ray

An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

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journal 8-22 Coconut heels, heat wave, bye flies, coffee closed and sitting in dark Applying coconut oil each morning and evening to cracked heels under my feet has been remarkably effective after a few days. Putting socks on for a Sep-08-2023 19:14:33 -0400 Along the Ray September 8, 2023

8-22 Coconut heels, heat wave, bye flies, coffee closed and sitting in dark

Applying coconut oil each morning and evening to cracked heels under my feet has been remarkably effective after a few days. Putting socks on for a bit gives the oil time to soak into your heel.


I find myself caught in a heat wave rolling through the area. Clouds hang low in the sky, forming a convection oven of sorts that holds the heat in. So we bake in the mid 90’s for a few days. Compared to my Florida, it’s not that bad, it just feels oppressive.

I had a strong mind to skip camp and move further north. We can change the weather” as us nomads like to say.

According to the heat maps, in this case it would be a ways to where it’s slightly cooler so it’s not worth the long, mad dash.

The heat wave will pass in a few days anyway. A key part of the wandering life is also to learn to acclimate to where you are and get used to it.

I have a few trees to shade in, a light breeze, and a very cool river to dunk in a couple times a day. I’ll manage.


There’s a murder of ravens who like to hang out in a tall tree across the river from my campsite. The adventure continues!


Flies have arrived in force. After swatting at a few I remembered the old country folk method of filling a small clear plastic bag with water and plopping a few pennies in it.

Thought I’d give it a try and hang it on my awning. It seems to work for the most part — way less flies now save for a brave soul or two that breech my watery defense.

I’m not sure of the science” behind it so it’s strange such a thing works. I’ll take that woo-woo!


Took an excursion to nearby Scottsville (KY) for a light lunch followed by a favorite activity of mine: Reading at a coffee cafe.

Made it to the lunch cafe only to find the interior dark and a closed sign despite posted hours saying otherwise.

Owell. I’ll mosey on over to the coffee joint across the street and grab a crossiant or sandwich along with my ritual afternoon coffee.

Nope. Closed. Handwritten sign says, Sorry! See you tomorrow!” Again despite their posted hours. Ugh. This time I’m a tad annoyed — it’s a damper to drive into town only to have caffeinated expectations rebuffed.

Undaunted - dammit I’m gonna get me coffee! - I jet over to nearby Bowling Green. They’ve gotta have an open cafe that honors their hours.

Bingo. There is one and they do not lie. I let out a long sigh of relief and settle in for a couple hours of reading and imbibing java.


One of my favorite things to do while camping is to sit outside as the sun falls and darkness slowly descends.

It’s when another world comes to life.

The river turns into a sheet of mist and pale moon inches out of hiding. Acrobatic bats dance through the sky gobbling mosquitos as they go. Deer n such emerge from dark trees to chow down for their evening meal on the fringes. And fireflies - what’s left of em - slowly blooping their way around me.

Mother Nature is such an incredibly wondrous manifestation of all life. She is life, indeed.


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(Webmentions are also accepted. WOOT!)
Love walking abandoned trails (cept fer chiggers n ticks). This one at Tailwater near Scottsville Kentucky
View from overlook bluff on Land Between Lakes near camp I visit to imbibe sunsets
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An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

Along the Ray

Somewhere on a river...

North American continent usually

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