📺 WANDER.TUBE: Needles Overlook @ Moab, Utah
Over my travels the past few years I’ve gotten into the habit of capturing quickie panoramic-style videos (around 15-30 seconds) while on many hikes.
I forgot about them until now so I’m sharing some of ’em for your viewing pleasure. Many of them will make you feel like you are right there with me as the scene unfolds before us.
I’ve deliberately muted these videos so you can experience it as I do as a deaf person in the wild. I know some of you will miss hearing the surrounding audio but think of total silence as an auditory experience of a different kind.
First up is the view from Needles Overlook — it’s the kind of view you don’t truly experience unless you’re there. It really does feel like a different planet out yonder:
I camped nearby at the Ledge Campground — it’s one of the few BLM sites that charge but it’s worth it to be close to wondrous sights.
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