Along the Ray

Along the Ray

An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

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check-incampgrounds Welch City Park Altitude 67.17 ft Somerville, TX 78.206°F (feels 81.68°F) Breezy (wind 17.2 mph) Stayed the night and forgot to take a photo. The winds were Oct-24-2022 19:36:00 -0400 Along the Ray October 24, 2022

Welch City Park

Altitude 67.17 ft
Somerville, TX
78.206°F (feels 81.68°F) Breezy (wind 17.2 mph)

Stayed the night and forgot to take a photo. The winds were ferocious in the middle of the night and Tornado warnings flew. I’ll never forget that night — the camper rocked pretty good and it sounded like being inside the engine room of a freight train with the wind roaring and whipping around the camper so fast.

So glad I made it out okay, phew.

#check-in #campgrounds

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An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

Along the Ray

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North American continent usually

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