Walking in between worlds
💬 Replied to Between this and that is… - Mikes Thoughts →
I told Alin I feel caught between two worlds when she asked how I could not be happy this morning. There is the expat world out there. People I kinda know. Then there’s the khmer world. More people I kinda know and one I love. But I stand between. It creates a sense of timelessness and forever moving, going, being. Not arriving.
I understand. I’ve always lived between parallel worlds - the deaf and the hearing, the nomadic life and the “real” world, etc.
I used to struggle with it because I felt I didn’t belong anywhere and should try to somehow fit in but I always stuck out like a sore thumb.
One day I realized it is who I am, it is my nature to walk between worlds and it is where I thrive.
Sounds the same for you, fellow wanderer.
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