The day draws nearer
Despite some delays, work on the camper is moving apace. I should have her back by the end of this week, fingers crossed.
After that, perhaps another week of prepping and loading her up with the usual provisions of wandering life then I’m free to go!
This is where time begins to compress and accelerate exponentially. Things slip into overdrive as I gather wits ’n stuff. The mind starts mentally recalibrating to a different mode of living and the uncertainty that comes with it.
Old fears of the past bubble up — do I still have what it takes to live this at-times-harsh lifestyle? Do I have everything I need to be self-sufficient? Have I gained enough strength post-Lyme for the required physical endurance? Will I get sick in the middle of nowhere?
And the biggest — will there be enough places to continue randomly camping whenever and whenever I desire despite the explosion of camping life the past few years?
Only one way to find out — hit the road and make the best of it as when I first embarked upon this wandering life several years ago. All said, I’m more excited than worried because worries are either adapted to or fall away.
When I first hit the road I didn’t document or journal the journey other than occasional videos and photos. Maybe I should have but I wanted to be purely in the now of every wandering moment of my maiden journey without being in “documentation” mode.
This time around I have enough mileage and experience (and pure moments) under my belt so I’ll be more inclined to share parts of where I am and thoughts in those moments.
I say “parts” because I’ll still have solitary moments of unfettered and unknown wandering. It feels most pure when I fade off the grid physically and mentally to where only my soul knows where I am.
Those moments and places of vanishment are secret slices of life to cherish and enjoy alone similar to monks who wander into remote sanctuaries far from civilization.
I was looking into using something like the Day One app with its built in location tracking, calendaring, etc. to journal with. But it just didn’t fit — not only was there friction; I would be locked into yet another app/medium, further splintering my attention.
I’ve always felt one’s blog ought to be the central hub for all things — a sole focus of entry for all your life.
So the question became — could I do the things in Day One on Blot, where this blog is hosted?
After some tinkerin’ and muckin’ around I can say the answer is yes. Location check-ins? Ayup. Photos? Naturally. Dynamic maps? Check (and routes!). Calendar archive? Indedy. Private entries? Already there.
iOS shortcuts are also leveraged for quick ’n easy updates straight to the blog in a couple blinks. I’m stoked because it works and minimizes the need for using a computer.
If this stokes your interest too, stay tuned — I’ll share the how ’n such in a post of its own soon.
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