Shifting into wandering mode
Today I felt a slow, intangible shift deep within — something finally slipping into place. It’s a familiar feeling I’ve had before. An energetic shifting back to the wandering life.
I may have spent the past couple months working on and getting the camper ready but all this time I knew inside I wasn’t ready until now.
Like the squirrel that senses fall’s on the way, I’ve begun packing up nuts ’n such for the long haul ahead. The process of folding myself and my possessions back into the camper begins anew in preparation for the Great Move-ing where I go back to a life of constant and joyful movement.
I’ve waited a very long time to feel this subtle shift within. The road ahead looks clear because I’m truly ready.
Being out there in a state of constant and uncertain wandering might seem an empty life to some?
On the contrary it’s deeply and spiritually fulfilling. Those moments alone out in the wild are a long root back to who we were millennia ago.
It’s where you free yourself.
Noises and distractions fall away, slowly revealing the universe within and outin’.
You begin to remember who you are not and your mind loses its unholy grip on you.
Mirrors fall away and there you aren’t — the universe in an infinite and inseparable embrace.
The wandering and dwelling within doesn’t mean being alone all the time. There’s whole galaxies of kindred spirits out there roaming too.
If you’ve been at the wandering life long enough you’ll sense the difference between the weekend campers and those who are “full-timers.” It’s a different resonance of energy that draws us together at just the right moments.
We are a different breed and know it.
And when we cross paths, it’s a meeting of souls. Instant kinship and a knowing of shared past lives together that bring deep familiarity within.
I now have a handful of soul-brothers and soul-sisters across the continent that’ll always be an extended family no matter the miles between us.
To think that there are beautiful souls out there and not to have ever met them is a bit scary because how would I ever had such light brought into my life?
It was all preordained by simply following my heart.
I wonder what else have I lost in this life by not following my heart all those other times I felt its pull and ignored it?
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