The rabbit hole
sometimes i’ll tell myself and the world
i’ve finally moved forward
then i fall back into the rabbit hole
and wonder what happened
i know i was authentic in that singular moment…
as a fell, i wondered… was it a lie?
why do i keep falling backwards,
only to claw my way back up?
maybe these rabbit holes are life’s way
of making sure i’ve moved forward truly.
i notice each time i made it back up top,
the climb was a bit shorter, a bit easier
the air, the sun, the sky, the flowers i saw again
shone with more strength than last time
as if my new world was becoming
more real, more stronger.
so now each time
i declare and i fall
i fall a little freer,
a little lighter,
a little stronger
because soon all i will have left to fall into is my soul.
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