Along the Ray

Along the Ray

An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

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travelsmemories Spins @ Datil Wells Woke up to a full on Ménière’s disease vertigo attack one morning. It’s rare when that happens but it’s awful when it does because it’s a bad start May-12-2017 00:00:00 -0400 Along the Ray May 12, 2017
(...from Vault of Memories)

Spins @ Datil Wells

Woke up to a full on Ménière’s disease vertigo attack one morning. It’s rare when that happens but it’s awful when it does because it’s a bad start to the day when your whole world is spinning and you’re stumbling around trying not to vomit. Ugh Fortunately it passed a few hours later and I was able to resume normal activities.

RECALLED IN: No gas, no groceries

#travels #memories

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Thoughts from 3/28/16
Soul flying
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An alien from a different plane wandering the universe in a tiny camper

Along the Ray

Somewhere on a river...

North American continent usually

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