Personal string theory
There seems to be many different threads in our lives, where my own life is but one thread of a kind. There’s the thread that is the river who has helped me heal so much, there’s the thread that’s you in my life, the thread that I am in yours, the thread of a stray leaf falling by my side on an overcast day, there’s the thread of lifeless, endangered fox squirrel on the center lane of a country road, the thread of a book I’m reading, the coffee I’m drinking, the threads of my past lives mysteriously entwined into my present, the threads of my great loves, and so on. Each thread may have a meaning or understanding to it, but not always. Even when I step back and see the totality of all these threads adding up to the rich tapestry that’s my life so far, the great unknown remains.
Maybe that’s the way it’s to be, where you have moments of understanding scattered in the great web of unknowing, where you are to thrive in the unraveling of the mystery that is you.
Thanks to my cousin Lara for coining the phrase that this is my personal string theory. ; )
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