Cycle of inspiration, new invisibility cloak
I find myself still rattled about my daughter’s situation. I hope she finds some kind of resolution. She’s far too young to be in that kind of place so soon us older people tend to experience.
I feel her pain in my heart still and as her Dad I wish I could just make it go away and all be well.
It’s her path to walk and her choices. As always I honor that because by doing so I honor her. It’s why our bond is so strong — we have an infallible trust and love in each other shaped in part by respecting her agency even as a child. She also knows I’ll be there in a drop of a hat whenever she needs no matter how far away I am.
In the beginning of my wanderings I used to feel guilty for straying so far away from her even as she lives her own life. However, I’ve come to see how much she loves that I’m doing what I love and it inspires her to do what she loves.
As a result she clearly enjoys her life, her work and the things she does. Her life’s truth clearly radiates from her because she lights up with joy talking about these things.
So she inspires me, too.
And the cycle repeats.
Halfway through this weird life on earth, I’ve noticed the older I get the more unseen I become. 1
Elders used to warn me that day would come when we’d become invisible to most of society and I’m finding they’re right (as usual).
It’s so interesting how we start fade in the eyes of others when hitting the mid-century mark. It’s also a natural occurrence so it’s not something I resist. Go with the flow, as they say, and enjoy because your best years are ahead.
Again they’re right. The wisdom that comes with age is life’s reverse-kryptonite. It’s why when I look back I often wish I had that wisdom with me back then because life would be so much easier, right?
But then I wouldn’t have experienced life in the first place. It’s not just about the learning, it’s the journey to that wisdom that makes all the difference.
Being invisible? I don’t mind it.
In fact, I like it very much because all these years growing up deaf in a hearing world I always stuck out like a sore thumb.
Now I don’t.
I’m loving my invisibility coat of aging.
Astute readers might have noticed I’ve written about aging a few times but it’s not something I’m fixated on - it’s something that fascinates because it is a new experience and with it comes new observations and findings.↩︎
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