Biking uphill, camper update, writing analog
Rode my bike for the first time in a good while — I haven’t felt strong enough to do it until now. It was easier than I expected and fun to glide down the path, feeling the breeze whiz by.
When it was time to turn around and head back, I realized I’d been going downhill most of the way.
Oh sheet my mind thought as I laughed. No wonder it was easy!
Ayup, it was a struggle crawling back up but I made it.
Boy, what was supposed to be a leisurely bike cruise ended up kicking my arse but it was so worth it because my body really needed it. It’s a different and seemingly more intense kind of cardio than jogging.
My mind also needed it for the confidence boost knowing I can work my way towards biking again regularly.
Now to find less slopey bike paths to ease my way back in so I don’t feel like puking at the end, LOL.
The guy working on my camper asked me to swing by and check on things.
Turns out he ordered the wrong parts for lifting the camper so we’re waiting on getting that done. Other than that everything else looks to be coming along well.
When they’re done working on it, they’re going to polish the fiberglass to make it shine brightly again, yay.
I can’t wait to get her back and start prepping her to hit the road again. I’ve been very much feeling trapped all this time being land-locked so it’ll be good for my soul to finally be free again to wander.
I’ve been writing everything, including these blog posts, by hand on a notepad the past few months.
But because I was already on the laptop at the moment I figured I’d go ahead and type in the thoughts you’re reading now.
I wrote one line and stuttered to a stop. My mind locked up and couldn’t go any further…
So I switched over to my trusty fountain pen & notepad and words started flowing freely again as if the ink in my mind undried itself.
It’s unusual not to be able to write on the laptop but I love it because it means I’m successfully reprogramming my mind to let words flow on paper after decades of writing digitally.
When I started writing on paper again it was hard so it’s interesting to see this on the flip (digital) side.
My mission of re-wiring myself from digital back to analog seems to be working out so far.
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