Sexton pond in Angelina National Forest
Altitude 71.52 ft
Jasper, TX
82.67°F (feels 84.848°F) Mostly Cloudy (wind 12.5 mph)
Reg. campground full so moseyed over here for a wonderful surprise no one here too. Perfect.
Altitude 71.52 ft
Jasper, TX
82.67°F (feels 84.848°F) Mostly Cloudy (wind 12.5 mph)
Reg. campground full so moseyed over here for a wonderful surprise no one here too. Perfect.
Altitude 151.33 ft
Bullard, TX
61.934°F (feels 61.592°F) Cloudy (wind 4.4 mph)
Love the name and the vibe
Altitude 160.17 ft
Jacksonville, TX
78.062°F (feels 80.132°F) Mostly Cloudy (wind 11.3 mph)
Delightful French vibe w/healthy food in this part of Texas
Altitude 125.48 ft
Jacksonville, TX
74.462°F (feels 76.622°F) Partly Cloudy (wind 5.8 mph)
Feels like I’m in a New England seaside village in Texas. Amazing.
Altitude 150.73 ft
Morgan, TX
74.858°F (feels 77.144°F) Partly Cloudy (wind 6.9 mph)
Back at an old favorite on way back to Florida for quick visit with mom.